How to Make a Kettlebell Swing?

How to Make a Kettlebell Swing?

Author: name From: name Modify: Jun. 17, 2020
Aug. 14, 2021

As a Kettlebell Wholesale, share it with everyone.

01 Action steps

Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your shoulders, hold the kettlebell with your hands, straighten your arms, bend your knees slightly, keep your back neutral, and swing the kettlebell back from your legs.

48kg Kettlebell

48kg Kettlebell

Use this power to stand up and swing the kettlebell in front of your body to shoulder height. When you stand up straight, your legs and abdomen are significantly contracted, your back and neck remain neutral, and your eyesight look ahead.

02 Practice points

Grasp the ground with the soles of the heels and toes, with the knees facing the tip of the toes, and the shoulders locked. When the kettlebell swings back, the position of the kettlebell handle should be higher than the knee joint. When the lowest point is reached, the arms should be straight. When the kettlebell swings upwards, the knee joint cannot move forward (cannot increase ankle dorsiflexion), and when it reaches the highest point, the whole body is in a straight line.

The hips and knees are fully extended, the spine is in a neutral position, the arms are straight when the kettlebell swings to the highest point, the elbow joints are allowed to be slightly flexed, and the movements need to be combined with biomechanical breathing. When the kettlebell swings to the highest point, the abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles must contract significantly. When it reaches the highest point, the kettlebell will continue to rise with inertia.

In order to achieve the best exercise effect, it is recommended to practice 3 groups every day, 5 times in each group, and rest no more than 20 seconds between groups.

It should be noted that the focus of this action is the hip hinge, not the squat, so before you pick up the kettlebell, make sure that your action pattern is downward.

Moreover, don't relax the core during the exercises, keep the abdominal muscles slightly tightened; also pay attention to breathing, inhale during the reduction deceleration process, and exhale when swinging forward.

In addition, do not rotate your back during the descent phase of the swing, and do not bend your knees excessively; at the beginning, the kettlebell should not be too heavy, just keep the weight that can be completed with the correct movement.

2. The benefits of kettlebell swing

Kettlebell swing is a serious whole-body exercise. The gluteus maximus and leg muscles generate strength, while the stability of the core muscles, shoulder girdle tissue and pectoral muscles are responsible for controlling the entire process of movement.

They are effective for strengthening strength, improving core stability, enhancing endurance and improving muscle imbalance.

There are also many variations of kettlebell swings, such as American kettlebell swings. During the descending phase of the swing, the body is squatted, instead of maintaining hip flexion as in the previous exercise. There is also an action that the height of the kettlebell swing is Swing to the top of the head instead of shoulder height.

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